

Little House on the prairie Episode: Author, Author. 
This Episode was the 11th episode of Season number 6.

Caroline is excited because her Ma and Pa are going to come visit  her and charles and the children in walnut grove, she seems to be just bursting with happiness.

elsewhere in the episode Mary and Adam are expecting their first child and he playfully teases her about having lots of babies and she is excited that her grandparents will actually get to meet their great grandchild.

The day finally arrives and Charles goes to the train station to meet the train carrying her parents, sadly he  is informed  by the conducter that Her Pa is in a car by himself, as Carolines Ma had passed away during the trip.

it is assumed that the plain wooden coffin bearing her body was loaded i to the wagon by Charles and others, and he and her Pa made the wagon ride back to walnut grove.

Caroline rushes out if the house when she hears the wagon, and as soon as he PA gets down she hugs him and smiles, she is beyond happy to se him, before he or charles could say anything, Carpline rushes to the back of the wagon (one can assume she was going to help her down out of the wagon and hug her)
and Caroline gasps and breaks down sobbing at the sight of her mothers coffin.
Charles comforts her.   i believe her Ma was buried in walnut groves cemetery.

Her Pa is very grief stricken and just mopes around doesn't want to do anything, but seems to enjoy telling the grandkids stories. with some convincing from charles, he then begins to write a book in hopes it can be pubished and it is!

Elsewhere in this Episode Mary goes into labor and Adam hurries to rush to get Doc Baker.. and Mary quips with a giggle that he might want to put pants on as he was still in his nightshirt.  Hester Sue is with Mary and then goes to notify the ingalls, who arrive just as Doc baker is coming down the stairs drying his hands. he tells them "its a boy"

They go up to see Mary and Adam and the new baby, and after they fuss over him Caroline i believe it is asks what is name is and Mary replies "Adam Charles Hollbrook Kendall" so he is named after his daddy, his grandpa, and his great grandpa.  it surprises Mary's grandpa but Mary says he is just as much a hollbrook as a kendall.

shortly after that, Caroline, charles and the family take her pa to the train station so he can go back home, he tells them he loves them all, and to take care of his namesake.  a voice over from laura, says that he passed away a couple years later.  this is a very good episode, and very touching.

LIttle house episode - here come the brides

I absolutely love this episode. as much of the focus is on Nellie oleson and the teacher Miss Beadle.This episode was in season 4, and a new family has come to walnut grove a widower pig farmer named Adam Simms and his son Luke.

Nellie first sees Luke when his father enrolls him in school.Luke is tall, blonde haired, shy and doesn't wear shoes. when Miss Beadle tries to find him a seat Nellie elbows her brother out of his spot next to her and says luke can sit there. it is clearly evident she is totally smitten with him.

After school she tells her mother about him and wants to invite him to dinner, Harriet is unsure but relents after Nellie says something about his dad investing money in a pig farm and him wanting to have a really big one. Harriet makes everyone dress up for dinner and is aghast when luke shows up wearing his usual attire of overalls over long johns(or union suits I think they were called back then) and bare feet.

he heaps his plate with food much to her chagrin and veiled smart remarks soon follow from her.Once she gets luke to leave she forbids Nellie to ever see him again-- other than at school! a screaming match ensues between mother and daughter and Nellie runs up to her room.

Harriet sees LUke in the store with mary Ingalls looking at rings, and gets the wrong idea- and tells Nellie he is seeing mary… when in reality she was helping him pick out a birthday present for Nellie. the Olesons go to the corn shucking as planned leaving Nellie at home.

Luke shows in with flowers and the ring to take her to the corn shucking as planned and wishes her a happy birthday. they share a sweet kiss during the fireworks. at some point later during a picnic with his dad and miss beadle , Adam and miss beadle walk off to talk and adam proposes to her. she tells him she has to think about it.

Nellie and Luke are watching from back by the wagon, and he proposes to Nellie, who says she is too young and doesn't know enough to be a wife..(I think she was like 13) later on she talks to miss beadle about marriage by a swing, and afer listening to what she has to say she runs off, and miss beadle heads off to see adam.

Miss beadle is shown going to the simms farm and telling adam she accepts his proposal and they went inside for lemonade and to wait for luke to get home to tell him the news...

back in town, Nellie tells luke she accepts his proposal, they make plans to elope as soon as possible because of her mother. that night at the olesons home Harriet tells WIllie to get Nellie because it was time for dinner.. he tells her and nels she isn't upstairs, that he saw her leave a couple hours prior with a suitcase and Luke in the wagon.

Harriet loses it and she and Nels ride horseback to the simms farm where they think Nellie is.. Harriet is shocked to se miss beadle answering the door. and when she tells her she and Nellie had talked about marriage earlier in the day... harriet goes nuts! miss beadle assured her that what they were talking about was about her and Adam, but Nellie had gotten the wrong idea.

Adam quips "i bet those two kids got hitched" and goes to hitch his horses to his buggy - they head into the nearest town that had a justice of the peace. Luke and Nellie are shown awkwardly getting married cause of his shyness, and then the leave the justice of the peace's home to get a hotel room.

Once in town the adults head to the justice of the peace's home and wake him up as it is late. he tells them they are too late and Luke and Nellie are married and slams the door in their face. the adults quickly realize there is only two place in town they could possibly be, the hotel , or another place called mrs o learys.. so they spilt up to check both places.

at the hotel, Nellie and Luke both nervously wait for each other to change into their pajamas for bed... as they see each other, they are both nervous and as they are about to kiss the door to the room flies open and harriet says to nells "nells, make her a widow!" (he had a shotgun) Nellie tries to calm her mom down a hole is shot in the ceiling and luke runs out of the room into the street in his union suit!

he runs into his dad and miss beadle(who was embarrassed) he's says "her parents are trying to kill me!" his dad quips "nope, i got first dibs" and marches him inside.

they all end up back at the justice of the peace, and he "divorces" Nellie and Luke. and then despite the late hour Adam and Miss Beadle decide as long as they are there to get married themselves. Luke stands up for his pa and Nellie stands up for miss beadle. it was a short quick ceremony.

this was a cute episode and is one of my favorites

Little House Episode--May I have this dance?

Another one of my favorite episodes-- this one was the 21st episode of season 9.

Wiliie is all grown up and preparing for his graduation from school-- he also has a girlfriend named Rachael. after he practices his speech in front of his schoolmates, nancy gets mad because miss plum wont let her read her speech (that she titled-- why jesus loves me more than most"at that nights ceremony (nancy thinks everything is always about her and she always thinks she needs to be the center of attention)

Willie wants to run the restaurant that was initially his sister Nellie. he is also head over heels in love with Rachael. Harriet is bound and determined that willie is going to take the entrance exam in Minneapolis so he can get into university.. something he is totally against and she even has ms plum set up an appointment for him to take the the meantime, he has to work up the courage to ask rachael's father for her hand in marriage-- he is sooooooo nervous he stammers and stumbles and bumbles and rambles through the whole thing-- and when her father says "yes" you can see the relief wash over willie.

I love when he races into the mercantile happy as a clam and says "he said yes, her pa said YES!!" Harriet is totally disgusted at the news Nels seems happy. Nels takes willie to Minneapolis to take the exam, which he does and then they head back to walnut grove to wait for the results and so they can get back to work , wedding planning and what have you.

Willie gets his results in the mail which harriet rips out of his hand and opens herself and read.. she is thoroughly appalled that he has failed the exams, and that no one in the town find is to find out, she is babbling about getting him a tutor and setting up an appointment to retake the exams.

Willie flips out on her and tells her he failed on purpose because he wants to stay in town and run the restaurant and marry Rachel. harriet is angry!

Willie and Rachel go to laura who is opening a boarding house with almanzo and ask to get a room there once they are married. she says she'd be glad to have them. Rachel is shown going to the post office to mail wedding invitations to her relatives back east and to other family and friends. she walks in just in time to hear harriet badmouthing her to the postmistress. and walks back out unseen by harriet and drops her invites on the ground..

Rachel tells Willie she cant marry him- when he asks what he has done to cause this, she tells him that its not him, but his mother. Willie gets angrier than I have ever seen and takes her over to the mercantile immediately.

they walk in and he abruptly tells his mother they need to talk.. she starts to sat something and he cut her off sternly saying "mother, I am talking, you're listening!" then he rips into her for badmouthing Rachel to anyone and everyone in town. he goes on to tell her if anyone is ruining his chance at a happy life, its HER!"

he then informs her that he and Rachel are going to go open the restaurant, and that he's going to run the restaurant and marry Rachel.. and then tells her mr Edwards is his best man!!(harriet loathes him) Harriet is angry and says "fine, marry her I don't care, I won't be there, I promise you that!!!!"

the day of the wedding harriet is bed having a pity party for herself... Nels leaves for the wedding and Harriet hollers for Nancy, who comes to her doorway in a fancy dress.. harriet asks what she is wearing and Nancy tells her that it is a bridesmaid's dress because Rachel asked her to be her bridesmaid.. harriet whines and Nancy leaves her home alone.

Everything is ready at the church and Nancy lets Rachel and her father know and then says "does my dress look ok? everyone is going to be looking at me you know.." (like she thought she was more important than the bride and her brother...)

Rachel and Willie are at the altar and Nancy is goofing around showing off her dress and not paying attention.. WIllie scolds her sternly with a simple "NANCY!" and she stops. after he places the ring on Rachels finger a woman is shown in attendance over lauras shoulder in full black mourning clothes and veil starting to cry... people look at her including Rev alden.. then he tells Willie "you may kiss the bride"

Willie kisses Rachel and the recessional plays as the woman cries harder. as Nels stands up to go congratulate the happy couple, he steps back and says to the woman "so nice you you could make it to the wedding harriet!"

the episode concludes with nels and harriet in their front room having a heartfelt talk as he reminds her that when he was going to marry her, his mother had tried to tell him the same things she was telling willie. he also told her "marrying you was the smartest thing I ever did." harriet sorta smiles and they hug and she says through tears "our little willie" Nels reminds her that WIllie isn't so little anymore. then because the music from the reception at the restaurant was coming into their front room, he asks harriet to dance and they share a slow dance.

this is a very sweet episode and one of my favorites.

Little house on the Prairie episode: may we make them proud:

Saddest LHOTP episode ever!!

For me the saddest episode EVER of the series had to be in season 6, episode 21. the episode was titled "may we make them proud."Everything starts out going really well in the episode and there is a picnic at the blind school where Mary and Adam teach and live with their infant son Adam Jr.

I cant remember who all are there from the town for sure but I know the Garveys were there for sure and the Ingalls adopted son one point during the picnic albert and another boy sneak away and go into the basement of the blind school-- where they smoke a pipe left behind by a handyman I think it was. they would continue taking turns with the pipe till Hester Sue nearly catches them Albert hides the pipe or tosses it down on some fabric before they are caught and they get shoo'ed back outside.

as darkeness comes everyone has left except for the Garveys. Mary and Adam and Hester Sue have gotten the blind children settled into their beds for the night and put baby adam in his cradle. they are in their room with him and Hester Sue is checking to make sure things are snug for the night.

as she opens the basement door(I forget why) flames erupt up the stairs! Hester Sue hollers at Mary and Adam and they hurry to get the children out of the school. as they sit outside waiting and worrying about the school, Adam and Mary realize that neither of them has Baby Adam with them!. Adam tries to go back in to the burning building to get him but the flames, smoke and heat are too intense and Hester Sue has to pull him out.

Alice Garvey runs into get him(I don't recall if Jonathan was still there or if he had gone to get firemen) Alice ends up trapped in the bedroom with the baby and breaks a window in an attempt to escape.

the next scenes are heart wrenching as its the next day and PA, doc baker and several other men are going through the rubble of the school which was totally destroyed. and mary is sitting under a tree. I think Ma is with her but I might be wrong... Pa I believe it is walks over to her with the blanket wrapped body of her and Adams son Adam Jr, and she hold him and hums and rocks him, it is so hard to see. I cant recall if she says anything(I am usually in tears by this point watching it)

Jonathan is shown sitting on a bench and at his feet is the fabric wrapped body of his beloved wife Alice. the pipe is found in the rubble but known knows how it got there.

everyone returns to walnut grove to grieve.... Jonathan drinks heavily and PA has to sober him up and straighten him out, meanwhile while staying at Nellie's hotel Mary is still in a state of shock and denial and when she comes out of it she has a complete meltdown upon hearing a music box Albert brought her as it was the song she always hummend to baby Adam.. she screams and hollers and makes her way to the window and as adam tries to grab her, she puts her arms through the glass window while screaming- Adam hollers at Nellie to get Doc baker.

the guilt finally gets to albert and he tells Pa what happened at the school, and then runs away fearing his punishment. harriet also wants the new blind school to be named after her when its built... everyone is gathered at the school site and Hester Sue sings a stirring rendition of "Amazing Grace" after the closing prayer, Rev Alden(I believe that's who it was) has adam speak and he calls up Jonathan and Mary to stand by him and he dedicates the new school and says once it is ready it will be called "The Alice Garvey, Adam Kendall Jr school for the blind" then he added "and may we make them proud."

this is the only episode of the series than I cannot watch, as it makes me sob uncontrollably, to the point where I get a headache. its probably been a good 10 years since I have sat down and watched it. it is a well acted episode, but very very sad.

 Little house on the prairie episode -Laura Ingalls Wilder

Almanzo works his butt off and buys some farm land for him and Laura so they can have a home and land of their own... it isn't long before he realizes he cant grow anything there and the guy was a crook that sold him the land.

he tells laura the wedding will have to wait till they have more money... she offers to get a teaching job to build the money faster, and he says NO. Laura applies for an out of town teaching job and he gets upset when she is accepted.

meanwhile, eliza jane falls head over heels for a friend almanzo's named harve miller, and they are both shy so it is really cute.

MEANWHILE: at Nellie's restaurant Nellie isn't feeling well and Harriet is convinced its because she is eating the same jewish foods she cooks for her husband Percival.. which only aggravates the nauseous Nellie.

Harriet finally takes her to Dr. Baker who examines her and wants Nellie to tell Harriet the news herself-- Harriet loses it when he tells her Nellie will tell her whats going on once she gets dressed-- Harriet is appalled that he made her get undressed for an upset stomach, and he tells her point bank he cant examine a patient who is fully clothed.

Harriet then panics and fears the worst and thinks Nellie is dying.. When Nellie calls for her she tells Dr baker she will be strong for Nellie. then Nellie gives her the news--she and Percival are going to have a baby! Harriet promptly faints! LOL!!! during the announcements after service the following sunday Rev alden mentions Nellie and Percival are going to have a baby and Harriet is going to be a grandmother and Harriet faints again(LOL)

Laura and almanzo have a fight and seemingly break up. Eliza Jane is crushed shortly thereafter when she finds out harve already has a lady in his life.-- Eliza jane hatches a plan to start her own life over and hatches a plan to get Laura and Almanzo back together and married without them having to wait any longer.

She tells Almanzo that harve proposed to her and she said yes and they are going to st lous in couple weeks, she then tells him with her leaving , that walnut grove will need a new teacher so laura can teach in town and they can have the house that that he and eliza jane currently share(the house was their parents i think)

She has Almanzo go after the stagecoach that Laura left town in to break the news to her he tells her about harve and eliza jane and she is happy for them- then he tells her about the house and teaching job in walnut grove.and when he tells her abotut the teaching job, she was like"i thought you didn't want me to work" to which he replied it wasn't the working i minded.... it was the being apart"(AWWWWWWW!)

he gives her her engagement ring back as he tenderly asks her to marry him again and she replies with a huge smile "of course I will" he gets her off the stage and the share a kiss ,he forgets her bag, but they don't seem to mind, and they head to pick up eliza jane and go to sleepy eye to tell her folks the news(they are visiting mary and adam for their anniversary)

they decide at dinner to get married that very day at the blind school. Adam even tells them if they do it that day, they will have the same anniversary and can remind each other so they don't forget it.. pa says that that is the best reason yet... LOL charles and hester sue head to get the minister and spot harve in the process Charles tells her that he is eliza janes fiancé they kid him about it being a double ceremony and he informs he doesn't know what they are talking about and that he was married the weekend before AND that eliza jane knew all about it.

he tells them to give his best to almanzo and laura and they part ways. once they get back to the school charles confronts eliza jane who is decorating a wedding cake and she tells him she wanted to get a fresh start in life and this was the way she wanted to do it and to do something nice for her brother and laura too.. says she will write them later and tell them it didn't work out between her and harve but wont do that till she is settled in in her new life.

she then tells Charles to please let Almanzo and Laura have this wonderful happy day(in other words she was telling him not tell them about her and harve) Almanzo and Laura are married in a short sweet ceremony and everyone is happy.. and Laura is finally what she always knew she would be...… Mrs. Laura Ingalls Wilder.... this is a totally sweet episode and another one of my favorites

LHOTP episode -Back to School

If I am not mistaken this was the first episode of season 6.

The Chidren of walnut grove were all heading back to school and were anxious to find out who their new teacher would be. Albert Ingalls was sure it would be a young beautiful woman so he wore his sunday clothes to school which got some teasing from Laura and a stern warning from ma and pa not to get them dirty.

The new teacher turned out to be a rather plain looking lady named Miss Eliza Jane Wilder. albert looked like he wanted to crawl under his desk from embarrassment for being dressed like that when he saw her--LOL!!

Nellie graduated and her overbearing mother gave her her own hotel and restaurant in town-- which was hilarious as Nellie wanted nothing to do with it and didn't know a thing about cooking/cleaning and had ZERO people usual willie oleson was kept in the corner after school, and consequently miss wilders brother had to wait for her a bit.

Eliza introduced him to laura as almanzo he smiled at laura and said "my friends call me manny" she was so smitten she said "hi manly" he chuckled and they drove away in their buggy.

.laura was embarrassed at her self for calling him that. she started trying to act and look older but he took no notice of her. after laura "forgets her books at home" almanzo gives her a ride back into town(or else its a ride to her house I forget which) and he decides she should have a nickname since she calls him "manly" he asks her given name and she tells him "Laura Elizabeth Ingalls" so he tells her that him and only him can call her "beth" its super cute.

MEANWHILE, Nellie decided she wanted Almanzo to be her beau but he steered clear of her (smart man) Harriet even tried to play matchmaker insisting nellie was an amazing cook.(yea....NOT.!!) Caroline told harriet point blank she could not cook the meal for Nellie(to trick almanzo) because their dinner together was on the Sabbath and the Sabbath was a day of rest.

Laura convinced Ma to let her do it since she technically wouldn't be working but "helping out a friend" Ma agrees. The day of the meal rather than grabbing a can of cinnamon, she grabs ma's can of cayenne pepper ripping the label off as she heads to town.

The cinnamon chicken dinner is cooked, and Nellie makes laura hide in the pantry and pretends like she made it herself and grabs a hot pan with her bare hand. when she screams! almanzo asks if she is alright and she claims she is practicing her singing.. they both start eating the meal and are quickly overcome by the heat from the cayenne and guzzle their water at the table and rush to the kitchen for more straight from the pump!

almanzo says he should be going and Nellie tries to show him laura hiding in the pantry but she isn't there and he ends up leaving and as he does he walks past nels and harriet who are entering the restaurant..harriet says "zaldamo wait!!" and they walk into the restaurant just it time to hear Nellie screaming and breaking things in the kitchen and I believe one of them gets hit with a pie in the face! (LOL!)

Laura is disciplined for her actions. as she prepares to take her teaching exam Nellie plays a mean trick on her and causes her to fail the test miserably. Nellie then takes cookies to Almanzo that caroline made and tell him she made them, as she is walking back to town- she runs into laura and the two end up in a huge catfight in a pond!

they end up soaking wet and muddy, almanzo is driving by and breaks the fight up and takes laura back to his place so she can dry off and clean up- leaving Nellie furious. Nellie pitches a fit then goes back to town and presumably lies to her mother about what happened.. Harriet brings Nellie into the restaurant and yells at caroline to "see what your laura did to my Nellie"

Caroline bursts into giggles causing charles and jonathan garvey to laugh as well.. and Nellie said it was because she had seen laura and almanzo "kissing" (which was a total lie) pa had a fit and upon finding out laura was at that moment at almanzos place he had jonathan drive him there in the wagon.

almanzo was talking to laura to cheer her up and when he got up to answer the door, he was met with pa's fist flush in his mouth! almanzo hit a table and pa nailed him again sending him onto his back on the stairs. as laura and almanzo explain what happened, that he kissed her on the forehead for luck n her test, and why she was in almanzo's robe, pa realizes he made a mistake.. then almanzo was like "you don't think I... but she's just a little girl(laura was 15, almanzo was in his mid 20s)

Laura storms out of the house, and eventually has a talk with Pa. they decide to blame everything on Nellie… LOL!

LHOTP EPISODE- he loves me he loves me not

This was the 2 part episode that closed out the 6th season.

The Episode opened with Laura and almanzo at the lake where he nervously tells her that he loves her and wants her to be his wife. she accepts his proposal.

later at dinner the break the news to ma and pa. Charles is way less than thrilled but says he isn't surprised by the news-- but tells them they will have to wait till laura is 18 to marry (she is nearly 16 at that time)

alamazo doesn't like the news and ends up going home. laura is less than thrilled with the news herself. almanzo decides he needs to leave town and wants laura to go with him but she doesn't want to go against her father, they seemingly go their separate ways..

in the meantime the restaurant is in bad straits cause Nellie cant cook or clean and has terrible customer service skills.. Harriet ignores her daughters pleas to hire someone to do the work and instead hires a tutor for her to learn to cook and mange the restaurant.

after a few lessons he tells the Oleson's it would be better if someone else cooks till Nellie learns how and suggests Caroline Ingalls-- even says to get business in till Nellie learns, to call the restaurant "Carolines place" which Harriet isn't thrilled with.

MEANWHILE: Adam is NY after the death of his father with laura and getting the money he promised for the new blind school-- only to find out his father was deeply in debt and there is no money for the school like he promised. on their way back to walnut grove laura sees an abandoned courthouse for rent and goes to look at it.

the guy living there is a old grump, but he does tell her the cost of rent. as the Ingalls and Kendall's sit around the table trying to figure out how to get money for the rent, there is a knock at the door-- its nels Oleson- he tells ma what Percival has suggested and produces a sheet with figures on it from Percival.

ma looks at them and tells pa they need to talk just outside the kitchen. mr oleson waits inside with everyone else. she convinces pa that even though the numbers may change once Nellie completes her tutoring they will manage as they always have in the past "the lord will provide" she tells him.

they go back inside and she tells nels she will take the job and tells adam to rent the laura mary and adam work on getting the building ready the bank guy comes to talk to her and she says they have half the money and will get the other half by Friday and the banker gets uppity and walks away, despite her heartfelt pleas.

she sees almanzo and they are pleasant with each other and they end up in a fight... when she is there working on Friday, Houston(the grumpy old guy) tells laura the banker came back while she was gone and the rent was dropped in half by the bank. Laura was thrilled.

then she sees almanzo talking to a saloon girl and thinks he is seeing that girl. she talks to mary about it. laura goes home soon after

Shortly after she returns home, Almanzo is stricken with pneumonia and pa takes her back to sleepy eye to care for him. once his fever breaks they clear the air about their relationship and the saloon girl.. and he tells her there is no-one in the world but her for him, and he would wait as long as it takes to marry her.

Almanzo is soon strong enough to go back to walnut grove and he and Laura head there. IN walnut grove, Nellie is ready to run the restaurant and hotel herself and percival is getting ready to leave town. Nellie is crushed because she realizes that she loves him.

Harriet hates the idea because he is short, and Nels convinces Nellie to go tell percival how she feels which infuriates harriet even more especially when he makes her stay inside. it is soon revealed that Percival feels the same way about Nellie as she does him... he proposes to her and she accepts. Harriet has a fit because they are kissing in the street, and then practically goes off the deep end when they tell her they want to get married the next day outside and there wont be a fancy church wedding..

she really blows her top when the reason is revealed and it is because percival is jewish! nels had to calm her down. Nellie and Percival are married the next day outdoors by Doc Baker. after they drive away for their honeymoon, Caroline asks Charles "have you told them yet?" he says "not yet" she urges him to do and he says with a little grin "yes, dear"

He goes over to Laura and Almanzo that they only have to wait 1 year to marry (until laura is 17) rather than the aforementioned 2 years. Laura and Almanzo are thrilled with the news.

this is a really sweet 2 part episode and it is one of my favorites.

LIttle house on the prairie-- Annabelle

This is a very poignent episode of little house on the prairie that aired in season 6.

The circus comes to walnut grove and all the children and even some of the adults are excited about it. Nels is somewhat embarrassed however when he realizes his estranged sister Annabelle is the circus fat lady and does his best to avoid her for awhile.. some of the towns people make jokes about the fat lady which start to bother Nels.

the performers stay at the hotel and bring business to the restaurant. Laura wants to go to the circus with almanzo, but, he has already asked another girl named Christy-- who is a complete witch to laura and treats her like garbage! Harriet somehow gets Nels in as the ringmaster.. and as she is making sure the costume fits . WIllie makes some nasty crack about the fat lady and Nels snaps and tells him to shut up and that that woman is his sister..

harriet and nellie laugh and he grabs harriet buy the shoulders and looks her dead in the eye telling her sternly that annabelle is his sister.

Laura drops the dress off to christy she had hemmed and got ready for her and because she was a mere minute or so late-- Christ gets snotty and refuses to pay her the full amount of what she was owed and treats her badly again.

Everyone has a blast at the circus, and even mary and adam are there with the blind children and having a good time. Harriet is whispering to her two brats to act natural cause she doesn't want anyone to know the fat lady is related to them.

the clowns get everyone laughing and one douses christy with a bucket of water and when she gets up in anger her skirt falls off and she storms out in her bloomers. and the clown steals a kiss from almanzo who realizes who is under the makeup and smiles slightly..

MA figures it out as well as is heard saying "laura ingalls you little devil!" (LOL!!) Nels takes center ring again at the end and thanks the circus for coming and then admits how proud he is of them all-- especially his sister Annabelle she comes out and they hug and harriet looks as though she is going to faint! great episode i recommend it

Little House on the prairie episode-The blizzard:

This episode aired during season 4. the school children were all excited for Christmas, and the teacher Miss Beadle(i don't think she was married to Adam Simms yet at this point) decides to send the children home early(all except willie who was in the corner as usual) since it was Christmas eve day

as she sits grading papers and the children begin walking home, it begins to snow and quickly turns into a blizzard. Miss Beadle feels horrible as she realizes the weather is rapidly worsening, and in a sweet moment Willie walks over from the corner and pats her on the shoulder telling her it isn't her fault.

The children are all caught out in the storm and try to find there way home.. Eventually the townspeople all gather at the school/church and the men go out looking for them all except Dr Baker who Stays with the women and keeps the fire going and gets things ready for when the cold,wet, tired children are brought back.. (Nels even goes out for awhile and comes back and despite saying they need to go back out passes out from fatigue and exhaustion)

the majority of the kids are found and brought back to the school to be checked for frostbite and warmed up-- at one point the men are told to keep a look out for one of the fathers who hasn't come back as well.. as they continue to search for Carl Alisha, Laura, Mary and Carrie the storm rages on.. the Ingalls girls are found by Charles and they head back to the school as quickly as they can.. on the way back Charles finds the father that hadn't come back-- the storm and cold were too much for him.

The girls are soon taken to be looked at by the women and Dr baker checks Charles hands for frostbite and gets him to warm up-- Charles then tells him about the other father and says he is going to go back out but is informed there is barely an kerosene left and it would be too dangerous..and while Charles warms up some more-- Dr. baker goes to break the sad news to the mans wife. -- you hear her cry out as Grace Edwards is tending to children with Caroline and is worriedly saying Mr. Edwards will be back soon this is an nuisance snowfall for him...

Charles awakens at one point and all is quiet, opening the shutters he realizes its morning and the blizzard has stopped then hollers for everyone to wake up as Mr. Edwards andhis 2 kids are still out there.. as they get ready to go search, Edwards and his kids arrive back.. all little hung over(from staying warm) Grace is thrilled! everyone is happy and chatty and noisy as they start to celebrate Christmas since it was Christmas morning. seeing the widow and her son looking sad, Charles walks over and picks up a bible and opens to the passage rev Alden had marked and reads the aloud, it was the passage about the first Christmas. this was rather sad for a Christmas episode, but still a good episode nonetheless

LIttle house on the prairie episode- I'll be waving as you drive away:

This was a 2 part episode that was part of Season 4. Mary begins having trouble with her eyes while studying for exams and after a couple different trips to see an eye doctor, the doctor confronts charles about her having had scarlet fever as a child and telling him that she is going blind. Charles does not take the news well and tells the Dr he is wrong.

one morning sometime later Mary awakens and screams for Pa in a panic because she can't see at all and he just holds her and calms her down.

Meanwhile,the townsfolk of walnut grove are in a quandry because they can no longer make a living because of a bad drought and people start moving away.Dr Baker tells Charles and caroline of a school in Iowa that can help Mary. so he and Caroline talk it over and agree to send her there in the hopes that she will quit feeling sorry for herself.

at first when she meets Adam who is a teacher at the school she is mean to him and continues feeling sorry for herself and has a 24/7 pity party for herself. thankfully Adam is patient and continues working with her till she has a breakthrough and realizes she wants to learn. Before Ma and PA cometo take her home, Adam tells her what he looks like and then asks her what she looks like -- telling her that he has never seen her either as he too is blind.

the reunion of Ma,Mary and Pa is sweet, and Mary tells them Adam is going to a blind school in another territory to help the blind children there and that he wants her to go with him to help teach. and since she has always dreamed of being a teacher she is going to go. Ma is so happy she cries.Mary and Adam share their first kiss before Mary leaves to go back to walnut grove he tells her will be waving as the wagon drives away and as he hears it drive away he waves and she starts waving too-- it is pretty cute. this is one of my favorite episodes

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